Selected publications and papers available for downloading
- Fast and optimal changepoint detection and localization
using Bonferroni triplets
with J. Jang
- Beta-trees: Multivariate histograms with confidence statements
with Q. Zhao
- Calibrating the scan statistic: finite sample performance vs. asymptotics
with A. Perry
- Tail bounds for empirically standardized sums
- Confidence bands for a log-concave density
with A. Ali, X. Shen, S. Boyd
- Large-scale inference with block structure
with J. Kou
- Calibrating the scan statistic with size-dependent critical values: heuristics, methodology and computation
- Automated subset identification and characterization pipeline for multidimensional flow and mass cytometry data clustering and visualization
with S. Meehan, G. Kolyagin, D. Parks, Justin Youngyunpipatkul,
L. Herzenberg, E. Ghosn, D. Orlova
- QFMatch: multidimensional flow and mass
cytometry samples alignment
with D. Orlova, S. Meehan, D. Parks, W. Moore, C. Meehan,
Q. Zhao, E. Ghosn, L. Herzenberg
- Science not art: statistically sound methods for
identifying subsets in multi-dimensional flow and mass cytometry data sets
with D. Orlova and L. Herzenberg
- The essential histogram
with H. Li, A. Munk, H. Sieling
- Uniform
convergence of random forests via adaptive concentration
with S. Wager
- Earth Mover's Distance (EMD):
a true metric for comparing biomarker expression levels in cell
with D. Orlova, N. Zimmerman, L.A. Herzenberg
et al.
- Peer
assessment enhances student learning
with D.L. Sun, N. Harris and M. Baiocchi
- Optimal
detection of multi-sample aligned sparse signals
with Hock Peng Chan
- Autogate:
automating analysis of flow cytometry data
with S. Meehan, W. Moore, D. Orlova,
L.A. Herzenberg et al.
- Discussion of
`Multiscale change point inference' by K. Frick, A. Munk and H. Sieling
- AutoGate,
an automated approach to flow data analysis (in Japanese)
with L.A. Herzenberg, D. Parks, W. Moore,
C. Meehan, M. Phillips, E. Ghosn, L. Herzenberg
- Optimal
detection of a jump in the intensity of a Poisson process or in a
density with likelihood ratio statistics
with Camilo Rivera
- The average
likelihood ratio for large-scale multiple testing and detecting
sparse mixtures
- History of
Stanford's Department of Statistics
with Ingram Olkin
- Detection with
the scan and the average likelihood ratio
with Hock Peng Chan
Investigating modality of multivariate data with principal curves
with Murat Ahmed
Discussion of `Maximum likelihood estimation of a multidimensional
log-concave density' by M. Cule and R. Samworth
Correlation analysis for proportions via updating and resampling
with Gianna Monti
Optimal and fast detection of spatial clusters with scan statistics
The block criterion for multiscale inference about a density, with
applications to other multiscale problems
with Kaspar Rufibach
Inference and modeling with log-concave distributions
Automatic clustering of flow cytometry data with density-based merging
with Noah Zimmerman, Wayne Moore, David Parks,
Stephan Meehan, Ilana Belitskaya, Jinhui Pan, and Leonore Herzenberg
Multiscale inference about a density
with Lutz Dümbgen
Clustering with mixtures of log-concave distributions
with George Chang
Advances in mixture models
with Dankmar Böhning, Wilfried Seidel,
Marco Alfó, Bernard Garel, and Valentin Patilea
Forward stagewise regression and the monotone lasso
with Trevor Hastie, Jonathan Taylor, and
Rob Tibshirani
Constrained ordination analysis with flexible response functions
with Mu Zhu and Trevor Hastie
Combined and comparative analysis of power spectra
with Peter Sturrock, Jeff Scargle, and
Mike Wheatland
Cluster validation by prediction strength
with Rob Tibshirani
Bikernel mixture analysis
Detecting the presence of mixing with multiscale maximum likelihood
Estimating the number of clusters in a dataset via the Gap statistic
with Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani
Multiscale maximum likelihood analysis of a semiparametric model, with
Rotational signature and possible r-mode signature in the GALLEX solar
neutrino data
with Peter Sturrock, Jeff Scargle, and
Mike Wheatland
Reply to Comment on `Absence of correlation between the solar neutrino
flux and the sunspot number
On the solar-cycle modulation of the Homestake solar neutrino capture
rate and the shuffle test
On a generalization of Blaschke's Rolling Theorem and the smoothing
of surfaces
Apparent latitudinal modulation of the solar neutrino flux
with Peter Sturrock and Mike Wheatland
Absence of correlation between the solar neutrino flux and the sunspot
Granulometric smoothing
Search for periodicities in the Homestake solar neutrino data
with Peter Sturrock and Mike Wheatland
On a conjecture concerning a theorem of Cramér and Wold
Monte Carlo sampling in dual space for approximating the empirical
halfspace distance
Rates of convergence for random approximations of convex sets
with Lutz Dümbgen